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Inside the Headset with the AFCA

May 17, 2018

On this episode of Inside the Headset, we focus on creating the ever important balance between family and coaching.

In the first segment we chat with Blake Anderson, head coach at Arkansas State University. Coach Anderson discussed his early coaching career, taking a 2 year break from coaching, creating a family-friendly coaching schedule, and getting involved with the AFCA.

0:42 - Start of interview

1:00 - Lessons learned at early coaching stops

4:43 - Finding a good "fit" in recruiting

8:26 - Stepping away from coaching

15:50 - Reentering the profession & finding balance

20:03 - Creating a family-friendly coaching schedule

26:04 - Snack closet & taking care of assistants

30:00 - Wendy's fight with cancer

34:50 - Getting involved with the AFCA

Follow Coach Anderson on Twitter: CHbanderson

In our second segment we talked with Jason Eck, offensive line coach at South Dakota State, and his wife, Kimberly.

40:55 - Start of interview

41:51 - Moving to a new city & getting acclimated

44:00 - Bringing up new job opportunities with family

48:40 - Being positive through transitions

52:14 - Celebrating wins & dealing with losses

56:45 - Finding balance in the coaching profession

1:01:00 - American Football Coaches Wives Association

1:04:20 - Joining the AFCWA

1:05:05 - Advice to a young coaching couple

Follow the AFCWA on Twitter: @AFCWA_Org

Follow Coach Eck on Twitter: @Coach_Eck

Follow Kimberly Eck on Twitter: @BeautyBabesBall and check out her blog,

Have any questions, comments, or ideas for the show? Send us an email at